

Empower administrators to oversee teammates' access levels, restricting or enabling specific features and functions as needed. Let's explore how this tool optimizes team efficiency and security!


Access Team Settings

Select Team Member

Manage Access Roles

Assign Role and Refresh

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Use Case

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) lets you assign specific roles (Admin, Agent, Editor) based on job scopes.


<aside> ❗ Please note:

  1. If a teammate is removed from the team, it will take one hour for them to lose access entirely.

  2. After this period, they won't be able to access the team anymore.


Related FAQs & Articles

1. How to adjust team member access for channel?

2. How can I limit teammate to access contact’s personal information (hide phone number, email, and username)?


3. Why I cannot assign the chat to my teammate?

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