Signing Up

Step 1: Head to ChatDaddy

Step 2: Click「 Sign Up 」

Step 3: Fill in your details and register.


Login ChatDaddy

Step 1: Go to ChatDaddy, and simply input your Phone Number and Password and click “Login”.


Step 2: You can now access the ChatDaddy dashboard. Enjoy exploring!


Note: If you see a QR code in your Inbox after you log in to our system.

  1. Go to WhatsApp on your phone, go to "Linked devices" → "Link a device" → "Scan QR Code"
  2. Scan the QR code in ChatDaddy
  3. Our system will connect to your phone number, and start synchronizing the data (i.e. chat history) from your WhatsApp

Connect your Whatsapp with ChatDaddy

After successfully logging in to ChatDaddy Web, you will see a QR code.

Step 1: Please log in to your mobile WhatsApp, select Linked devices in WhatsApp, and scan the QR code in ChatDaddy