❓Q1: Pre-condition

Hi! 🥰 You would need to register with ChatDaddy first and scan your Whatsapp QR code so that we could link to your whatsapp, you may see the document below: https://www.notion.so/chatdaddy/ChatDaddy-3mins-db45d699f21c4c44b8165a890c6df21e

❓Q2: How to generate token?

Hi🥰, below is how to generate the token https://chatdaddy.stoplight.io/docs/openapi/b3A6MTUxMDc5NDM-login-to-chat-daddy Github地址: https://github.com/chatdaddy/typescript-client

We have two tokens-

access token:

short lived(1 hour at most) tokens used to access APIs


refresh token:

long lived tokens used to generate access tokens

❓Q3: Access token generation sample


curl --request POST \\
  --url <https://api-teams.chatdaddy.tech/token> \\
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
  --data '{"refreshToken":"d0d9d724-ec3f-4684-bdf5-65ae4f70df16","teamId":"1636bc4a-2122-4b06-8df7-d0d1e90bccf2","scopes":["MESSAGES_SEND_TO_ALL"]}'



$client = new http\\Client;
$request = new http\\Client\\Request;

$body = new http\\Message\\Body;


  'Content-Type' => 'application/json'

$response = $client->getResponse();

echo $response->getBody();

❓Q4: How to encode password

Hi 🥰 This is how you encode password :


❓Q5: How to send a message using the API?

Our javascript/typescript client library: https://github.com/chatdaddy/service-im-client

Example: https://github.com/chatdaddy/service-im-client/blob/main/examples/send-message.ts

Our REST API docs: https://chatdaddy.stoplight.io/docs/openapi/b3A6MzAzMDc5MDg-send-a-message